Latest Update - Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 - 12:15 PM PT
Latest Update - Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 - 12:15 PM PT
What should I wear? What about my kids? How big is the church?
Q: What should I wear when I come to worship or Bible class?
A: Most of our members dress fairly casually, wearing slacks and a nice shirt. We also have people who wear blue jeans and some who wear suits or skirts. We care much more about your presence than what you wear. We just hope you will come!
Q: My kids are young and have not been in church very often. What if I have problems with them?
A: We have many young children at ECC, and so we understand that young children are not adults! To help you with young children, we also have an attended nursery on Sunday morning, as well as "Kids Church" for children age three through 2nd grade.
Q: How big is the Exeter Church of Christ?
A: Depending on the time of year we generally have about 70-80 people in Sunday morning worship. Sometimes more and sometimes less.
Have more questions? Please feel free to contact us either via telephone (559) 592-2909.
Another Great Potluck Sunday